IronMan Database
Ironman tracker athlete app, Ironman race info and results
With this app you can search for any results or athlete of any races of the Ironman circuit since 2012
Is possible sort result by Age-Group, Country, Sex, Swim Bike or Run splits
For any athlete you can see his PB for any split , Age Group ranking, the races and the partecipation at the World Championship
You can see the calendar of the races, and the slot disponible for any race
For any races in program you can see paste results, gpx tracs of the paste race, the official map , youtube video , and can compute the probably slot allocation for any age-group based on the starting list of the last race
You can prepare any statistic on the race result, and sort by the fasted average Time, Swim , Bike , Run splits
You can view the weekly races
Few days (1-2) before the race you can view the starting list for any Category, and sort by Bib, name, country or PB
During the race you can track your favorites athletes
After the race you can view the final results, and sort by fasted time, swim, bike or run split, you can also view the finally slot allocation for any age-group
For any questions or problems Contact us